Authorized Reseller (Dealer) Information - Timeless Fence System

Authorized Reseller (Dealer) Information

“Keep The Money On The Farm…Don’t Send The Money To Town”

Add the Timeless Fence System as a new revenue stream to your existing business.

Simply complete the form below, and your sample kit will be on it’s way to you!

What is an Authorized Reseller (Dealer)?

Authorized Resellers (Dealers) can be a Farmer, Rancher, Homesteader, Fencer and/or Barn Builder, etc., looking to add an additional revenue stream for their business.


How do I become an Authorized Reseller (Dealer)?

The initial step is to fill out the qualifying form below for the Authorized Reseller (Dealer) program.  One of our Regional Account Executives will review your information to see if your local market area is available for a new Authorized Reseller (Dealer) or if there is one currently serving that area.  We will then contact you to let you know if you qualify.


Complete the form below to see if you qualify to offer the product that is only manufactured by Timeless Fence System!

    Authorized Reseller (Dealer) Information Request

    Important Survey – Less than 5 minutes to complete.

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